IP Transit Providers

A list of IP Transit Providers that offer BGP sessions worldwide.

Last updated 2025-02-01. View the changelog.

Showing 112 providers

Filter by region:
Route Type
Minimum Service
BGP Community Information
47447EuropeFrankfurt, GermanyDefault, FullDedicated Server50EUR + 18.075EUR/m

Available from provider

Free BGP sessions on 1/2 rack or bigger colocation

52210North AmericaOttawa, CanadaDefault, FullLowest Plan$20 USD setupLINK
51701EuropeSwedenDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE

Available on request

328608AfricaCape Town, South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Default, Full100Mbps50USD/m

Available from provider

38136North AmericaSeattle, United StatesDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE
266768South AmericaArgentinaDefault, Full?NONE
42473, 47147Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America48 countries Default, FullLowest PlanNONE

Available from provider incl. large communities


38008OceaniaAustraliaDefault, FullBGP VPS Plan20USD Setup

Offer peering port for AperIX and Lamda-IX

60150EuropeFrankfurt, GermanyDefault, Full??

BGP Communities for automation are provided on request

Geneva, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland
Dusseldorf, Germany
Default, Full1 month

"Passthrough to carrier"

DDoS Protection in option (Swiss Shield), Multiple...
28929EuropeVenice, ItalyDefault, FullLowest Plan50 EUR/m

Available from provider

41075EuropeHungaryDefault, Full?20USD/month
400818North AmericaUnited StatesDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE

Yes, Contact Support

GRE/SIT, GIF, & VXLAN tunnels supported

151704AsiaIndiaDefault, FullLowest Plan30USD One-Time + 10USD/mo

No communities

Transit via Tunnel, IX or Cross Connect. BGP fee w...
215380EuropeAmsterdam, NetherlandsDefault, FullVPS15EUR/m
North AmericaPhoenix, United StatesDefault$5/mo VPS15 USD one time


Includes Path DDoS protection

216360North AmericaDallas, United States
Tampa, United States
Default, FullBGP VM/Dedi/ColoNONEOptional downstream support for $5/m. LIR services...
Petah Tiqva, Israel
Netanya, Israel
Default, FullLowest PlanNONE


Can provide up to 100G in EU and Israel

6597North AmericaAtlanta, United StatesDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE

Available from provider

Can provide connections to SNAP IX, CIX-ATL, and D...
17139North AmericaUnited StatesDefault, FullDedicatedNONE

Supports extended communities

10355North AmericaAtlanta, United StatesDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE
198468EuropeNetherlandsFullLowest Plan15EUR/m

Can provide SPEED-IX port

212815EuropeFranceFullLowest Plan25EUR per month per sessionLINK
32437AfricaDurban, South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
DefaultLowest Plan250ZAR
7195North America, South AmericaUnited States, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Turkey FullLowest Plan250USD setupLINK
47787Europe, North America, South America, AsiaPortugal, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Brazil, India Default, FullAnyNONE
264254, 262377South America, North AmericaRio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Miami, United States
FullCloud server150 USD/m
48927EuropeFrankfurt, GermanyDefault, FullVPS?
21738North AmericaKansas City, United States
San Francisco, United States
New York City, United States
Default, FullLowest PlanNONELINKBGP Transit via Arelion(1299), ATT(7018), Cogent(1...
47152EuropeSalerno, ItalyDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE

No communities

198057South America, North America, EuropeEuropean Union, United States, Brazil, Canada, Netherlands, United Kingdom Default, FullLowest Plan?'We have more than 32 VPS locations, and 3 for IP ...
42831EuropeCoventry, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Default, Full£39/m Server25 GBP setup
61597South AmericaBrazilDefault, Full/Partial (national)Lowest Plan249.99 EUR setup, 49.99 EUR/m

No communities

50338EuropeEuropean Union
Prague, Czech Republic
Default, FullDedicated server50EUR setup

Own + Upstream communities - Just ask!

207960EuropeLeeds, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Frankfurt, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Default, FullLowest PlanNONELINK
21472EuropeHampshire, United KingdomDefault, Full??
263702South AmericaSantiago, ChileDefaultVPSNONEThey will provide you a LOA template to fill if wa...
49434EuropeFranceDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE


Default, FullLowest Plan10EUR one timeTo activate the session it will be necessary to pu...
3280EuropeRomaniaDefault, FullVPSPeering 10EUR setup fee, transit 50EUR setup
198831EuropeFranceDefault, Full1020
9678AsiaTaipei, TaiwanDefaultDedicated Server $35/mNONE


KYC Required for all Taiwan Services

53597North AmericaUnited StatesDefault, FullLowest PlanNONELINK
47272Europe, North AmericaUnited States
Frankfurt, Germany
Amsterdam, Netherlands
London, United Kingdom
Kansas City, United States
Default, FullLowest PlanNONELINK
202662AsiaHong Kong, ChinaFullLowest PlanNONE


ticket required

49544Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America29 countries Full/DefaultLowest PlanColo/Transit - FREE Dedicated – €0.00 - 51.50 EUR/mLINKFrom i3d: Strict routing security requirements: mu...
34927Europe, OceaniaGermany, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, United States, Singapore, Australia Default, FullLowest PlanNONELINKIXP Ports on VPS in Frankfurt: KleyReX, LocIX, NL-...
397373North AmericaBend, United States
Los Angeles, United States
Charlotte, United States
Monticello, United States
Default, FullLowest Plan25USD/m (free for edu/non-profit)

Allows nullroute/blackhole and community passthrough

51659EuropeRussiaDefaultLowest Plan50EUR setup
60707EuropeTurkeyDefault, Full??
51519EuropeSwedenDefault, FullLowest PlanNONELINK

my.karabro.se tunnelbroker.se

207439Europe<NONE>Default, FullLowest PlanNONE


Also provies IXP-Transit, cellular dataplans, DSL,...
EuropeEuropean Union
Como, Italy
Default, Full??


Open a ticket to request a BGP session with us.

54098North AmericaUnited States
Ashburn, United States
Default, FullLowest PlanNONE
212508EuropeGermanyDefault, FullLowest Plan50EUR/m every 100Mbps 95'th perc. | Setup fee 100EUR

On request

BGP Sessions include DDoS protection, custom rules...
199393AsiaIsraelDefault, FullLowest Plan?

Available, passthrough to upstreams

provides full access to IIX

32931North AmericaDenver, United States
Los Angeles, United States
Default, FullLowest Plan50 USD/m, FREE on >$99/m plans


11070North AmericaNew York City, United StatesDefault, FullVPS100USD/m
199839EuropeHasselt, Belgium
Bruges, Belgium
Default, FullN/AN/A


also interconnects to BelgiumIX, BNIX, L2 possible...
2027EuropeParis, FranceDefault, FullLowest Plan15EUR/m
203939North AmericaWashington, D.C., United States
Maryland, United States
Virginia, United States
Default, FullLowest Plan25USD setup
48070EuropeUnited KingdomDefault, FullLowest Plan?LINK
39409EuropeAmsterdam, Netherlands
Vienna, Austria
Default, FullLowest Plan15 MRC (Free if Service Cost > 50 MRC)Custom Solutions possible, open a ticket for bespo...
44684, 60011Europe, North AmericaLondon, United Kingdom
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fremont, United States
Full/DefaultLowest plan10 GBP/mLINKDatacenter cross connects can be connected to colo...
34465Africa, Europe, North AmericaSouth Africa, United Kingdom, Netherlands, United States, United Arab Emirates Default, FullVPS S or 50M IPT or 1U ColoNONE

Available from provider

Email: info [at] ncryptd.net Tunnels available on...
Taipei, Taiwan
Default, FullLowest Plan?


21700North AmericaNew York, United StatesDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE

Full communities, large communities, and passthrough to upstreams


Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Default, Full, PartialLowest Plan10EUR/m
394102North AmericaKansas City, United States
New York, United States
New Jersey, United States
Default, FullLowest PlanNONE

Communities on request

47869Europe, North America, AsiaNetherlands, Germany, Sweden, Romania, United States, China Default, FullBare Metal for BGP25 EUR/USD per monthLINK
Default, Full, PartialLowest PlanNONE

available from provider

47526EuropeNuremberg, Germany
Fuerth, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Default, Full100mbit/sNONE

Upcoming on AS47526 whois, currently on Request with Support. Detailled List of BGP Large Communities.

also offers: Backup-as-a-Service, WDM Wavelength (...
202673Europe, North AmericaSpain
Miami, United States
New York, United States
Dallas, United States
DefaultLowest PlanNONE (see notes)

Hover to see

50€ if need Path.net AntiDDOS

14333North AmericaIndianapolis, United States
St. Louis, United States
Miami, United States
58299, 41051EuropeWinterthur, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland
Frankfurt, Germany
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Default, FullLowest PlanNONE (see notes)

Passthrough, Automatisation for Blackhole in Progress

Services: FreeTunnels, IXP Transit, FTTH + DS | Fr...
208226EuropeFranceDefault, FullLowest Plan25EUR/m

Upstream via AS3223 or AS174

52025Europe, North AmericaEuropean Union
London, United Kingdom
Fremont, United States
Kansas City, United States
Toronto, Canada
51396EuropeFrankfurt, GermanyDefaultXeon KVM Starter25 EUR Setup FeeLINK
EuropeNetherlandsDefault, Full "Related to the company (an employee, for example...
57974North AmericaPhoenix, United StatesDefault, FullLowest Plan?
210030EuropeParis, FranceDefaultTunnel Or VPS (Can provide Mikrotik CHR VM on demand)20 € NRC + 10 € MRC + (1€ / Mbps .95th)

"With antiddos"

138398OceaniaNew Zealand
NZ - Full, AUS - DefaultLowest PlanNONE

Own + upstreams

LOA required. NZ includes Spark transit. Can do yo...
United Kingdom
DefaultLowest PlanNONE
56038Oceania, North America, Europe, Asia12 countries Default, FullLowest PlanNONELINK

Automated sessions, immediate, no extra fees

34953EuropeGermanyDefault, FullLowest Plan?
212477Europe, North AmericaAmsterdam, Netherlands
New York, United States
Default, FullDedicated Server25EUR/m + 50 EUR setup

Available from provider

211509Europe, AsiaUkraineDefault, FullN/A5 EUR/mLINK

Free services only through traffic exchange points

400587North AmericaFremont, United States
Chicago, United States
FullDedicated Server or IP Transit?

Passed To Upstreams

52073EuropeFranceDefaultLowest Plan25 EUR setup
12637EuropeMilan, Italy
Frosinone, Italy
Default, FullCloud serverNONELINK

Can provide ports to Italian IXPs. IPv6 available.

208885Europe, AsiaIstanbul, TurkeyDefault, FullDedicated Server30

Available on request

Contact support before buying

46844Europe, North AmericaUnited States
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Denver, United States
Chicago, United States
Los Angeles, United States
Default, Full50USD/m

Communities/passthrough/flexible - just ask!

Fee is waivable for the right monthly spend.

394177North AmericaDallas, United States
Atlanta, United States
Chicago, United States
Default, Full, CustomVPS or tunnel25USD setup feeLINKOffers DE-CIX ports on DE-CIX Chicago and DE-CIX D...
202520EuropeWrocław, Poland
Eygelshoven, Netherlands
DefaultVPS Offer 30 GB100PLN / 20 EUR

Available on request

Can provide up to 100G in Poland and NL

328840AfricaAfricaDefault, Full??
212806EuropeUnited KingdomDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE

Passed through to upstreams

Can provide connection to LINX LON1 @ £190/month

395502North AmericaPortland, United StatesDefault, Full1GNONE
42295EuropeBulgariaDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE

Available from provider

397423North AmericaAshburn, United States
Bend, United States
Charlotte, United States
Dallas, United States
New York, United States
Default, FullLowest Plan25/m

RTBH and community passthrough

Default, Full/GeographicLowest PlanunknownDirect connectivity to INEX, MIX, NAMEX, MINAP, AM...
393577North AmericaKansas City, United StatesDefault, FullLowest Plan / None required (Free tunnels)NONE"We offer a variety of services including VPS', Co...
211301EuropeGermanyDefault, Full, Partial?NONE
207656EuropeKyiv, UkraineDefault, FullLowest Plan8USD/m
5505EuropeValencia, SpainDefault, Full100Mbps150EUR/m
64073OceaniaNew ZealandDefaultLowest PlanNONE

Available on request

150315AsiaIslamabad, PakistanDefault, FullLowest PlanNONE

Passthrough to upstreams

35710Europe, AsiaGermany
Default, FullLowest PlanNONE
51999EuropeLondon, United Kingdom
Bucharest, Romania
PartialLowest PlanNONE (tunnel = 10GBP)

Available on request

15353North AmericaFremont, United States
Dallas, United States
Kansas City, United States
Default, FullLowest PlanNONE
211588EuropeNetherlandsDefault, Full?50EUR setup / 35EUR/m for tunnel
199415EuropeFranceDefaultLowest Plan25EUR

Tunnel info @ yorkhost.fr

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